Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bootcamp Update

I am halfway thru week 2 of bootcamp! The first week was KILLER! After day 3 I couldn't cough because my abs hurt so much and I walked with a limp. yup a limp. but after going to hot yoga over the weekend I feel much better and don't dread the 4:45am wake up as much.

The camp itself is really fun. Though I do curse god from time to time mid push up, after its all said and done with it's not that bad. We do a lot of running around to keep our heart rates up in between doing core exercises like push ups, planks, mountain climbers, sit ups, lunges, and squats.

The one thing I struggle the most in is push-ups... Being a waterpolo player/swimmer we never had to do push ups so I look like a complete idiot doing them!

1 comment:

Oleñka said...

Dude I was gonna do that out here! But it was super expensive.

I am putting myself through my own bootcamp...although slightly less intense. But I am working out at 6am Monday through Friday.