I shocked the hell out of my mom! I really did! She had no idea I was coming home! We went down to Main St. got ice cream and walked the HB pier. It was so nice to see her and be able to spend those few hours with her!
Mono Hot Springs = Tim
e of my life! every single trip to that place has never left me disappointed! No matter how many romances sparked or heartaches endured, time in Mono is a m
agical thing that only leaves you wanting to cry as you drive down the beautiful mountain back to the reality that is life. I will at some point, and I will make sure I stand to this promise, spend two weeks to a month exploring the area and falling in love with it all over again! I will first have to recruit at least one more person to take this mini life break preferab
ly someone that can make splints out of sticks and a husta and who isn't opposed to drinking iodine tablet water, oh ZHP how I miss you!

Coming back to the city after being in Mono left me in a bit of a funk... don't know if it was just my liver trying to recoup or if the crazy of the city was a shock to my system after the serenity of it all. Though once Sunday came
along I was back to "happy Asia" not only was football back full force but the day was gorgeous and I was able to sneak a bit of a tanning session and get some color before the cold starts to creep in!

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