Thursday, June 26, 2008

roller coaster

What a week... it sure had it's ups and downs. Yesterday I was prepared to quit my job but the second half of today has definitely made me realize that its all part of the learning process and I can't get frustrated once something goes wrong. 

I got to see the New York Phil Harmonic perform at the great lawn in Central Park followed by fireworks! AMAZING! i was very happy! I went with some people from work and we had a whole wine, cheese, and fruit party on our blankets, there is another one July 15th and I am already looking forward to it!

Today was the last game of the Spring Volley Ball season i have been playing all spring on the Jacobs Engineering team (my old company) we did OK overall we had a tough couple of games in the beginning but we pulled it through in the end. We won 2 out of 3 and I am looking into signing up for Zog sports for the summer season. it's a great way to meet fun people and get exercise!

Monday, June 23, 2008


K-Rad came to NYC for the weekend and has inspired me to write in my blog more often then I do... I am going to attempt at least 2 entries a week. One to sum up my weekend and one to sum up my week. So here's a shot at the first entry of the week...

Friday night the plan was to stay in and sleep... around midnight it turned into a bar hopping, beer and Jager bombing frenzy followed by spicy hiccup inducing falafal chow down for Konrad and then finishing up with a slumber party in my living room with a showing of "Blades of Glory." I now will have to invest in a copy of "Talledega Nights" for Konrad's next visit!

Saturday I experienced my first tanning session in central park with Renatka followed by drinks and chips & salsa on the upper east side. I was invited to a "Beer and Sausage Birthday Fest" to celebrate Konrad's and Marcin's (K.Rad's childhood friend) births! it was on Marcin's rooftop... my first rooftop party and it was a hit but then again mix beer, kielbasa and vodka and how can that not be fun?

Sunday I brunched it up with new friend Olga at Essex and walked around town and then just parked it on my couch and caught up with the Weeds season 3 and chowed down on Ice Cream and Guacamole... I don't think Sundays can get better then that! Oh and Olga and I have decided that we will have to start looking for dates through out the week in order to raise our new city adventure level! I'll let you know how that goes...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

summer is ALREADY here!

I can't believe that Summer is practically here! So crazy to think that exactly one year ago i had just graduated college and was anticipating my move to New York City!! I have lived in NYC for 8 months already! And I am enjoying every minute of it! This week Aggie officially stated she is coming out to New York in July and looks like Ewcia is going to be joining her as they both venture out to find jobs in the city. I am so excited to be able to spend my summer with the girls from back home. There is so much to do in the city in the summer time! There are countless concerts in the park and also every once a week at Bryant park they show old movies! I can't wait to experience this with my good friends!

Mary, one of the roommies organized a girls brunch and movie in order to celebrate Sex and the City! It was definitely the best way to experience this fantastic movie. We all got dolled up and had brunch! After some eggs benedict and a few martini's we headed to the theatre and laughed and cried! Aggie and I used to watch whole seasons in one night so the 2.5 hours i sat at the theatres went by in a breeze! I loved it! I think now a days I appreciate any movie or TV show that accentuates the greatness of the city i live in!